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PHP is an object-oriented scripting programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP).
Control Statement
A control statement is a statement that determines whether other statements will be executed.
    About Lesson

    A comment is non-executable lines. It is used to write a description for a better understanding. The web browser doesn’t read the comments.

    • Single line comments
    • Multi-lines comments


    Single line comments:

    There are two ways to use single-line comments in PHP.

    // (C++ style single line comment)

    # (Unix Shell-style single line comment)

    echo "Welcome to PHP language";
    // (C++ style single line comment)
    # (Unix Shell-style single line comment)


    Multi-line comments

    Multi-line comments are used to comment on multiple lines. For multi-line comments, we need to enclose all lines within /* … */.

    This is a comment with a multi-line comment
    echo “Welcome to PHP language”;