    About Lesson

    The const keyword in JavaScript is used to declare constant variables. These variables cannot be reassigned once they are defined, making them ideal for values that should remain constant throughout the program.


    Syntax of const

    const variableName = value;


    • const: The keyword to declare a constant variable.
    • variableName: The name of the constant variable.
    • value: The value assigned to the variable (required).


    Features of const

    Block Scope
    const variables are confined to the block in which they are declared.

    const pi = 3.14;
    console.log(pi); // Outputs: 3.14
    console.log(pi); // Error: pi is not defined


    No Reassignment
    You cannot reassign a new value to a const variable after it has been declared.

    const name = "Junaid";
    name = "Arsheen"; // Error: Assignment to constant variable


    Must Be Initialized
    const variables must be initialized at the time of declaration.

    const age; // Error: Missing initializer in const declaration


    Works with Objects and Arrays
    While you cannot reassign an object or array declared with const, you can modify their contents.

    const person = { name: "Junaid" };
    person.age = 29; // Adding a new property is allowed
    console.log(person); // Outputs: { name: "Junaid", age: 29}

    const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
    numbers.push(4); // Modifying the array is allowed
    console.log(numbers); // Outputs: [1, 2, 3, 4]

    Difference Between const, let, and var

    ScopeBlock scopeBlock scopeFunction or global scope
    ReassignmentNot allowedAllowedAllowed
    RedeclarationNot allowedNot allowedAllowed
    InitializationMandatory at the time of declarationOptionalOptional
    ModificationAllowed for objects and arraysAllowedAllowed


    The const keyword is an essential tool in JavaScript for declaring immutable variables. It enhances code reliability, reduces errors, and is especially useful for objects and arrays. By understanding and leveraging const, you can write cleaner, more maintainable code.