Course Content
Introduction to CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.
MVC (Model-View-Controller)
MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. MVC is an application design model consisting of three interconnected parts. They include the model (data), the view (user interface), and the controller (processes that handle input).
The Session class allows you to maintain a user’s "state" and track their activity while they browse your site.
URI Routing
There is a one-to-one relationship between a URL string and its corresponding controller class/method. The segments in a URI normally follow this pattern:
Forms and Input
Forms provide a way for users to interact with the application and submit data.
Composer is dependency manager in PHP. it allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.
You can enable CSRF protection by modifying your application/config/config.php file
Working with Database
Like any other framework, we need to interact with the database very often and CodeIgniter makes this job easy for us. It provides a rich set of functionalities to interact with the database.
DataTables is a table enhancing plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library that helps in adding sorting, paging, and filtering abilities to plain HTML tables with minimal effort. The main goal is to enhance the accessibility of data in normal HTML tables.
PhpSpreadsheet is a PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files. Importing Excel and CSV into MySQL help to save the user time and avoid repetitive work.
Payment Gateway
Razorpay and PayTM Payment Gateway
WhatsApp Chatbot and Telegram Chatbot
CodeIgniter 3
    About Lesson

    Composer is a powerful dependency manager for PHP that helps developers manage libraries and packages for their projects. It simplifies the process of adding, updating, and managing dependencies, ensuring that your project stays up-to-date and organized. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of Composer, how to install it, and how to use it effectively in your PHP projects.


    What is Composer?

    Composer allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on, and it manages (installs or updates) them for you. It helps in:

    • Downloading the right versions of packages.
    • Automatically handling package dependencies.
    • Managing project libraries and their updates.

    Composer supports a “global” project for convenience, allowing you to use commands globally without being tied to a specific project directory.


    Installation of Composer

    There are two ways to install Composer:

    1. Locally as part of your project: This method installs Composer within the project’s directory, making it specific to that project.
    2. Globally as a system-wide executable: This allows you to use Composer commands from anywhere on your system.


    Installing Composer on Windows

    To install Composer on Windows, follow these steps:

    1. Download Composer Installer: Go to the Composer official website and download the Composer-Setup.exe file.

    2. Run the Installer: Double-click the downloaded Composer-Setup.exe file.

    3. Choose PHP Executable: During installation, you’ll be prompted to locate your PHP executable. Usually, this is found within your PHP or XAMPP installation folder.

    4. Environment Path: Ensure that the installer adds Composer to your system’s PATH environment variable. This will allow you to use Composer commands from any command prompt window.

    5. Test Installation: After the installation, open the command prompt and run: 


    If everything is set up correctly, you should see the Composer version and list of available commands.


    How to Use Composer

    Composer’s commands are straightforward and follow a basic syntax. Here’s how you can start using Composer in your PHP projects.

    Basic Syntax

    The basic syntax to include a package in your project is:

    composer require <package-name>


    Examples of Using Composer

    HTML to PDF Converter

    If you want to convert HTML content to a PDF, you can use the dompdf/dompdf package. Run the following command:

    composer require dompdf/dompdf


    This will install the Dompdf library in your project, allowing you to generate PDFs easily.


    Send Emails Using PHP

    To send emails using PHP, you can use the phpmailer/phpmailer package. PHPMailer is a full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP. Install it with:

    composer require phpmailer/phpmailer


    PHPMailer provides an easy way to send emails via SMTP and various protocols, making it a reliable choice for sending emails from your PHP application.


    Read, Create, and Write Spreadsheet Documents

    If your project needs to handle spreadsheet files, use the phpoffice/phpspreadsheet package. This library allows you to read, create, and write Excel and other spreadsheet formats. Install it using:

    composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet


    With this package, you can manipulate spreadsheets directly from your PHP code, whether it’s creating reports, parsing data, or generating downloadable files for users.


    Managing Dependencies with Composer

    Once packages are installed, Composer manages them via the composer.json file, which includes details about your project and its dependencies. To update a package, simply use:

    composer update <package-name>


    You can also update all packages at once by running:

    composer update


    Composer is an essential tool for any PHP developer. It simplifies the process of managing project dependencies, making it easier to focus on writing code rather than manually downloading and updating libraries. Whether you are building a small project or a large application, Composer helps keep your project organized and up-to-date with the latest package versions.


    For more information and advanced usage, visit the official Composer documentation.